
Siren Girl

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Siren Girl
Chapter 1
Setting: somewhere in the skies of Atmos at 1 am.
Aerrow looked out to the skies and sighed.
"Where is she?" he asked himself.
"Where's who?" Soara appeared by his side.
"Dolphin." He replied, "She's been missing since everyone went to bed. I haven't seen her since. I thought I heard her creeping about the condor, but it turns out it was Lightning and Radarr, looking for her…"
"She'll be back soon, I promise Aerrow, and if she isn't, we'll search for her in the morning." Soara replied. "Get some rest; I'll look out for her." Aerrow nodded and went to his room. He lay down on his bed, and closed his eyes, the moment he closed his eyes, he felt something tickle his face. Aerrow opened his eyes again, and saw a sky siren above him, except this one… she was…
"Different…" he whispered. The siren didn't have long talons and ghost white eyes. She had short nails, Painted Sky blue, and her eyes, they had irises, and the irises were sky blue. She sat at the end of his bed and watched him. Aerrow found this very weird. He quietly radioed the rest of the crew, and they crept into his room, looking at the sky siren. The thunderbirds were there too, and saw the sky siren as well. They all raised their weapons, ready to fight the sky siren.  But then the sky siren got up, and walked out of Aerrow's room, leaving bloody footprints behind her. The siren ran to the bridge and Aerrow followed her. She turned a corner before the bridge, and got there a couple of minutes before Aerrow.
When Aerrow and the others entered the bridge, they all saw me, on the floor. Aerrow rushed over to me, and looked at my face, it was pale, slowly returning to its normal colour. I opened my eyes, and looked at Aerrow.
"What happened?" I asked croakily.
"You disappeared for 4 hours, and then a siren sat at the end of my bed, she wasn't normal though she was different." He replied, helping me to my feet. I mumbled something and only Aerrow heard me. He completely lifted me off the floor, my legs over his other arm, and my head lolling against his chest. He then dropped me, and helped me up again.
"Thanks." I babbled. I rubbed my eyes with my free hand, and walked to the outer bridge. I sighed and looked out to the Atmos; it was a cold night, so everyone else was inside. "How am I going to tell him?" I asked myself.
Chapter 2
I pulled the Crystallizing crystal out of my pocket. It was pure diamond. "Why is everything I happen to find, either made by Cyclonis, or made out of pure diamond?" I held the crystal up to the dim light coming from the condor. A picture appeared beside me. It was a picture of a siren, but not just any siren… the one Aerrow had seen, it was me, in my forced state. When I was with my Cyclonian step parents, they managed to get some DNA in me, I never knew how, but from that day on, when the full moon came out, I would turn into a siren, and I would Sing to innocent men, usually it would make people on earth want to kill themselves, but here in Atmos, if I sing, it makes them want to become Cyclonians, adding to Cyclonis's Army of talons. Which isn't good. I looked at the picture, and sighed. "How can I stop it?" I asked into the open. Five shadows rose from the cloud layer.
"You can stop it by coming with us. Come Dolphin, you know you want to." I slipped the crystal into my pocket, and flipped over the railings. I walked to the edge of the runway; it was like I was hypnotized, not able to control my limbs. I walked off the edge off the runway, and the shadows caught me. They took me to Cyclonia, and hung me upside down in Cyclonis's throne room. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a blurry Dark Ace, staring at me.
"How can Dolphin be a Siren? It is impossible." He stated.
"Open the hatch and let the full moons light in." Cyclonis commanded from her throne. Two guards opened a hatch in the ceiling, and let the moonlight flow onto my body. I closed my eyes, and turned white. When I re-opened my eyes, I was in Siren form. "See? She is a siren, and she can help us gather our forces in. Close the Hatch, I don't want her to get worn out too soon." The guards closed the hatch and I returned to being a girl again. I opened my eyes, and all I saw was a blur. I mumbled,
"Why is everything so blurry?" Dark Ace slapped me across the face and my vision became normal. When I saw where I was, I screamed.  Dark Ace put his hand over my mouth and smiled gently. For a moment, just for a moment, I thought I could see kindness in him. Then I snapped back to reality. This was Dark Ace, who had betrayed my father, and sent him to his death. Dark Ace removed his hand, and gagged me instead. I looked at Cyclonis and hoped like hell that Aerrow was coming to rescue me.
Meanwhile, back on the condor
"Where did she go? Some shadows took her." Aerrow asked, pacing up and down the bridge.
"Probably taken to Cyclonia, you know what the girl is like Aerrow." Replied Finn in a matter-of-fact way.
"I don't know what to think. All I know is that a siren nicked my little sister and gave her back, why would a siren do that?" Aerrow asked. Piper had been looking in a book, at the origins of Sirens.
"Aerrow, come and look at this." Piper looked up from her book. Aerrow walked over to her, "It says that Siren's originated from people, who learnt to control illusions and confuse others. I think that Siren was Dolphin." Piper looked up at Aerrow. He had a cross look on his face.
"I'm going to Cyclonia, Stork, follow me in the condor." Aerrow stormed out of the bridge and everyone watched his skimmer launch off the runway. Stork followed Aerrow in the condor, and they soon arrived at Cyclonia. Everyone followed Aerrow to Cyclonis's throne room. "Cyclonis! Where's Dolphin?" he stopped when he saw the siren. It was the same siren that sat at the end of his bed.  A line of men stood before Cyclonis.
"Close the hatch." Cyclonis demanded. The guards closed the hatch, and the siren fell to the floor, as the siren melted away, I appeared. Dark Ace knelt beside me, and helped me up. I was in my black and red uniform again. Dark Ace slapped me, and I smiled properly. I looked at Aerrow, and scowled. Dark Ace and I walked over to Cyclonis and stood either side of her. Dark Ace on her left, me on her right. Aerrow looked at me in pure astonishment.
"Surprised?" I asked, "I was going to tell you, but I figured, I had better not, and then use it to beat you. That way, it would be more fun, but now you know… I have no clue what you're going to do."
"How about the old fashioned way?" he asked pulling his energy blades out.
"You picked the wrong talon to mess with Aerrow." I growled.  Cyclonis stopped me, and turned me to face her. She handed me a crystal, and radioed the two guards above. I heard tip toeing, and turned to find Aerrow right behind me, his blades raised to strike me. The hatch opened, and I faded. My siren form looked at Aerrow, and he backed off. My siren form looked at the crystal; she smiled, and threw the crystal at Aerrow. The crystal exploded, and a cloud of smoke covered him, by the time the smoke was gone, Aerrow was covered in crystals. My Siren irises were black, instead of white or Sky blue. Soara looked at Aerrow and she frowned, she got angrier and angrier, then she pulled out her staff and hit my siren form with a blow that left me in my normal form. I sat up and rubbed my head. I got up and walked past Soara. No-one knew what I was doing, but at the end of the corridor, I thought I saw a spirit.
Chapter 3
He whispered for me to follow him. So I did. I brushed past Soara and everyone else too. They all turned to look at me. The crystals on Aerrow melted away. He looked at me, and ran to follow me.
"Dolphin?" he asked, the black highlight in my hair had disappeared. Aerrow was getting slightly worried, because I was walking for no reason. I suddenly stopped walking, and in front of everyone, the spirit appeared. To everyone's surprise, he was a young spirit, no older than sixteen. I sat cross legged in front of him, and hung my head. I looked at him as he too sat down cross legged. I looked to the side of me,
"They are after me." I whispered, tears spilling from my eyelashes. He placed his hand under my chin, and turned my head to face him.  He whispered in my ear.
"At the mountain we will meet, and sing songs sweet, just remember, I am your love forever. Goodbye, Midnight." And he disappeared. I looked at the space he had just been, and got up. I sighed and hung my head.
"You never stay long." I whispered. I felt a point in my back, most likely a cyclonian staff, or Dark Ace's energy sword. I turned and saw some cyclonian guards. "Go figure." I whispered. They pointed their staffs at my throat, and one caught my arm. He twisted it behind my back; I closed my eyes, and asked myself in my mind, "Do I want to get out of this? Or should I wait until eleven at night? I'm getting out on my own." I opened my eyes, kicked the guard in front so he was on the floor, then I turned quick as a flash and kneed the other in the stomach, he coughed up some blood. "Ew, Gross." I said.
The Thunderbirds watched me in amazement as I took a deep breath and turned to Cyclonis. My eyes looked as if they had fire in them, but that was just my Anger, roaring like a flame. I pulled out my energy blades, and closed my eyes. I didn't use eyes sight for this bit. I kicked my shoes off, and stood still. I felt someone over to my left move, and I could tell it was a cyclonian guard, so I threw a shot at him, and heard him hit the wall. Remember I was doing this with my eyes closed, I was feeling the vibrations in the earth. I felt Cyclonis get up, and start walking towards me. I powered up my energy blades, and threw the Thunder strike at her. She blocked it and threw something at me, I blocked that, and imagined the first time I saw Aerrow use the lightning claw. While I was imagining, my blades were powering up, I opened my eyes, and threw the lightning claw at Cyclonis. Her eyes were wide, and she didn't move. When the lightning claw had knocked everyone in the room out, (except me, the storm Hawks and the thunderbirds.) I pulled my hair back up into a ponytail. I looked at the chaos, and turned and walked out of the room, Soara whispered to the Thunderbirds,
"That's how the Storm Hawks fight when Dolphin is in a bad mood, they move out of the way, and she just causes total chaos, try not to get on her bad side. She usually battles alongside them, but sometimes… well you just know when not to involve her." I stopped walking, and Soara stopped whispering. I turned and walked to Cyclonis. I started walking, then I jogged, and then I sprinted to her.
"No." I whispered. I walked up to her, and checked for a pulse. I couldn't find one. "no." I cried. I put my head in my hands, and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked, and saw the same spirit. He knelt down beside me, and comforted me. Cyclonis started to open her eyes and I stopped crying. I looked at her as she sat up and rubbed her head. She looked at me, and I saw a kindness in her eyes. She hugged me, and I hugged back.
"Piper, the last time this happened, didn't Dolphin end it in Chaos?" Aerrow asked.
"Only because you pulled them apart." She replied. They all continued looking at us, and I helped Cyclonis up.
"That was one hell of a shot Dolphin. Where did you learn to do that?" She asked me. I blushed and replied,
"What? The thunder strike and then the lightning claw? Easy, but I'm not explaining it to you." I went and picked my shoes up, "Besides, feeling the vibrations in the earth, it gives me a faster reaction." I bent down to pick something up, and I felt Cyclonis pull something out of her pocket. I turned and shot a dart at her hand, she dropped the crystal she had picked out of her pocket onto the floor. "I know you better than you know you." I whispered grimly. I was struggling for breath, but I got up shakily, and walked away from everyone. I deployed my glider once I was outside Cyclonia, and flew too my favourite mountain.
"You never stay long…" I whispered, before falling asleep. When I next woke up, I would guess it was about half-past- Midnight. So I have…been asleep for twenty-four hours? I felt a hand around my shoulders, and I looked to see that the spirit had appeared, he was no longer a spirit, but a human.
"What do you mean they are after you?" he asked, pulling me close to him. I leaned against his chest, and replied,
"I don't know, I don't know if it's my battle nerves, or if it's a sense."
Chapter 4
Back on the condor…
"Where did she go?" Soara asked Aerrow, "We need to go find her."
"No!" Aerrow snapped at Soara. "Look, I don't know what he said, but it's obvious she and him need to be alone, probably to talk. In which case, we settle down for the night." Aerrow walked out of the bridge and sat on the end of the runway. Piper walked up to him.
"She'll be fine, just hope that spirit stays a spirit." Piper tried to reassure Aerrow. He smiled and hugged her.
"Thanks Piper." They sat there all night chatting away, just like me and the spirit did. (Yes he is still in human form.)
On my little mountain…
"I couldn't tell unless I heard your heart beat when your asleep." He replied, "Dolphin, I know you have  a mixed up life and an agonising past, but when I died, I didn't feel nothing, like the other spirits, I felt disappointment and an unbearable case of a broken heart."
"Maybe  your heart is still at work, trying to fix itself before you can truly rest. That's why you can visit me as a spirit and a human. Jack, maybe you need to forget me, and live your life. I haven't always been there for you, or you for me, but since you… wait, you said you had a bad case of a broken heart?"
"Yes, why?" he mumbled into my hair.
"Ever since you died, I have seriously had a broken heart too; does that mean you are still alive because our feelings are connected?" I asked.
"I don't know, but all that matters now, is that I'm with you. Stop worrying about the Atmos; and worry about us."
"I used to think I could forget you so easily, and try to live my life as normally as possible, I tried to fix my  heart, but none of the boys were like you, none of them had that sense of adventure like you did. You always knew what I wanted and when I wanted it." I looked into his silver eyes, and felt like I was sinking into a whirlpool of stars, but being calm as ever. He looked into my Sky blue eyes, and felt like he was floating on air. A gust of wind blew our hair in our faces, his black hair covered his eye, but he carried on looking at me. I broke the gaze first, "There's never any wind up here, so why is there now?" I asked looking up into the sky. I saw the condor, and Soara was at the wheel. I looked to Jack, "Do you trust me?"
"I always do." We stood up with him clinging onto me we dived off the edge of the mountain. I deployed my glider just as we hit the cloud layer.
Aerrow and piper rushed into the bridge holding hands, when Aerrow saw Soara at the wheel he froze, then he saw me and a boy.
"I know him." Aerrow whispered. Aerrow ran up to Soara, "Stop, he's Dolphin's friend. Why are you chasing them?" he asked fighting for the wheel.
"He might be a weirdo who's trying to get the best out of our sister!" she shouted back. I flew to a graveyard, and landed. I dragged Jack through all the graves, and hid behind one.  
"Why are we running?" he asked.
"Do you want to stop seeing me?" I asked.
"No." he replied.
"Then shut up!" I snapped. Soara launched her slip wing skimmer with the Thunderbirds following. The Storm Hawks chased after her. I got up from behind the grave and pulled Jack out too. They chased us all the way to the end of the graveyard. I stopped at the edge, and Jack held me behind him, trying to protect me. Jack felt a tear on his back, he turned to me and saw I was crying.
"What's the matter?" he asked, hugging me.
"I don't want to lose you again, I had such a problem last time, now if I lose you, it will be even worse." I sobbed. He looked into my eyes, and kissed my forehead.
"You wont lose me, I promise." He whispered into my hair. "Ruby red, ruby blue, Come to me I'll comfort you, I'll always be here for you, Ruby Red, Ruby Blue." He sang softly into my ear. Slowly I stopped crying, and hugged him properly. My hands went around his shoulders, and his hands went around my hips. I placed my head gently on his chest and listened to his heart beat.
"It still beats." I commented, looking up at him.
"Of course it does, I'm with you aren't I? You give me life." I smiled at him, I heard all of the skimmers land on the ground. I looked behind him worriedly at the big group, but he turned my head towards him, and I looked at his beautiful silver eyes. Slowly he placed his lips against mine, and kissed me, disappearing into thin air. I collapsed onto the ground sobbing. Aerrow got off his skimmer and ran to me. He lifted me up and carried me to his skimmer. When we got back to the condor, I didn't want to move from Aerrow's skimmer. So he picked me up again and carried me to my room. He turned the light off and sat on a chair in the dark. I cried quietly, I couldn't sleep now; I had just lost Jack again. I sat up in my bed and sighed. I thought I heard Jacks voice in my mind,
"I haven't left my Ruby Red princess; I would never leave my Ruby Red princess." Jack had said this when we were young, I had fell asleep when we were in the woods once, and I had huddled against him, he whispered this into my ear, and I have remembered it since. He calls me his Ruby Red princess because of the color of my hair. I call him my Black Prince because of his black hair. We have always been in love, from the moment we met; I had a feeling that it was going to be a very good relationship. As we grew up, our relationship got even closer, and he asked me to be his girlfriend, I didn't say yes only because I loved him, but because he was like me in most ways. He loved adventure, and he knew what I could be like. Jack was involved in a terrible accident about a year later. He died during the war, and I wouldn't go out with anyone ever again. I cried a new flood of tears when I remembered his face. I got out of bed, and walked out of my room. Aerrow followed me cautiously. Piper saw me and asked me something, I saw her mouth move, but I heard Jack's voice. Always singing, as if he was put on repeat. Constantly singing our song. When I entered the bridge, everyone asked me a load of questions, all at once. Again, I didn't hear them, I heard Jack singing. I covered my ears and ran out of the bridge through the condor and onto the runway. Aerrow and Soara followed me. Soara started to ask me something, but Aerrow stopped her. They continued to close in on me, and I continued to back off. I reached the edge of the runway and dived. I wasn't thinking, I wasn't breathing, and I just wanted to be with my Black Prince. I let myself fall and fall, but then I was caught by someone. I placed my head against their chest, and opened my eyes; I saw Jack, his black wings, flapping behind him.
"What happened my little Ruby Red?" Jack asked.
"I heard you everywhere; you left me alone again…" I sobbed into his chest.
"I left because I'd been approved, I'm no longer dead." I stopped sobbing and he flew us down to a barren terra. He put me down, and his wings melted away from his back. Then he hugged me.
"He's back! Oh my gosh! Dolphin, you have no idea how lucky you are!" someone shouted from behind me. I blushed and let go of jack.
"S-Shut it Louise!" I stammered.  She giggled and ran to me, we hugged each other. "The Pharaoh?" I asked.
"Here." She replied. I looked at where she had been and there was the Pharaoh. I blushed even more, and walked up to him. He put his hand out for me to shake it, but I slapped it away and hugged him instead. He was surprised by this, but he hugged back anyway. I looked as all the Storm Hawks and the Thunderbirds landed their skimmers on the ground. The Thunderbirds watched me carefully and stayed back for a bit, while the Storm Hawks got off their skimmers and came to say hello. I walked back to Jack.
"Thank you." I reached up and kissed him on the lips.
"What did I do?" he asked.
"You made me jump off the condor and find you." I replied.
"Is that good or bad?" he asked suspiciously, placing his hands around my hips.
"A bit of both." I replied my head on his chest. "Oh, you know I asked you to get a six pack, did you manage it?" I asked.
"Do you want to find out?" he asked cheekily.
"Not here you naughty boy." I replied. "I imagine you've had enough time to get one, I was 10 when you died, and now I'm 13 ½, that 3 ½, years to get one well for you, but not for me. And you were 12 ½, now your 16, that's long enough isn't it?" I asked.
"Maybe…" he replied, pressing his lips gently against mine. Aerrow coughed, and I got the message, I pulled away from Jack, blushing like a berry. He smiled at me, and walked up to Jack. He slapped Jack on the back.
"Good to have you back, but don't you give my little sister any ideas or trouble. Got it?" he asked.
"Yeah, I always have done Aerrow. Any way, I went out with her for a year, and I never broke the rules. I'll be fine, and I'll make sure Dolphin is too." Jack replied. Aerrow and Jack both looked at me,
"What?" I asked innocently.  Aerrow walked back to the Pharaoh and Jack took my hand. Cain scowled. I caught him scowling and shrugged. He mimicked me, and I stuck my tongue out at him. I looked to Jack, he whispered in my ear,
"Want to fly my little Ruby Red?" I leant close to his ear,
"Would I ever say no my Black Prince?" I asked. He smiled and his wings re-appeared.  I let him fly me far enough away from the terra before my wings appeared. I figured that there are some things the Thunderbirds shouldn't know about. We flew around the condor until midnight, the whole crew watching us. The Thunderbirds had left during the day, and we were left in peace. I looked at Aerrow and he nodded. I stopped flying, and brought Jack to a stop. He flew behind me.
"What my little Ruby Red?" he asked, whispering in my ear. I looked at him.
"Shall we go to the woods, and stay there for the night?" I asked, turning to face him.
"Like when we were little?" he asked inquisitively. I nodded. "But that was an accident."
Dolphin and Jack.
This was a story i wrote a while ago.
i will be putting a picture of Jack up soon.
Enjoy ^^

i do not claim to own storm hawks or any of it characters.
Storm Hawks (c) nerd corps
Dolphin, Lightning (c) me
Soara, Thunderbids (c) SaturnGrl
© 2010 - 2024 CartoonMad97
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